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Sharing what I've learned that makes "Cents"

Life is challenging as we all know. These days, it's harder than ever to make ends meet and to let go of stress. So, I find good ways to stretch a dollar, as well as, enjoy life! I find daily ways to live happier and to thrive in a world that can often be challenging. Its always been very important to me that I help others along the way. After all, isn't that what life is about?

Keeping tabs on ways to afford the things that you need, and have a little left for those things you simply "want", is my mission. At the same time, I still leave room for spending quality time with the people and things I love, plus spreading joy when possible.

Hope I can help you in some way, as many others have done for me! Remember...try to always "pay it forward"!

Showing posts with label tax savings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tax savings. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Savings Reminders for the New Year...

I have posted many of these tips before, however, with the new year and the challenging economy, I am posting these and more. As most of you already know (hint, hint, read my title :-)), I am a single mother. We do not get child support, or financial assistance. I also don't have family to help me though I am thankful for the many friends who have become family to us. Of course, they don't help us financially and that is exactly the way it should be. So, I have adopted many daily practices to save money and stretch a dollar. Especially as a new business owner,, I need to watch every penny! So, here are some of the many money-saving tips you can also put into practice!

* Pack your own lunch and make your own coffee! The cost to eat out adds up! Also, those trips to Starbucks can break your budget. Just do it yourself. Prepare the night before so you are not in a rush the following morning.

* Do your own beauty stylings (if you can). I cut my own hair, and color it. I also cut my son's hair. I do my own manicures and pedicures. I can even do my own facials. It's not hard if you just spend a little time practicing. I save thousands per year doing this!!

* Give up the gym membership and use DVD's, home equipment, a buddy program, and the great outdoors! As a former trainer, I have kept up on my fitness with my own routine. It is so much easier to do in the privacy of my own home and a lot less expensive. Take brisk walks, ride your bike, get a work-out partner.

* Use coupons, especially on sites like, that help you organize them by store. Keep them current and sorted. Know your favorite store's coupon policies. Take advantage of BOGO deals and double up the savings with coupon stacking (store coupon+manufacturer coupon+competitor coupon).

* Get rid of the landline and only use your cellphone!

*Check with your local cable company for "limited basic" which is about $13 per month. They don't tell you they have this option, but they do. It just gives you about 13 channels, but I don't care much for TV anyway. I use the my savings for a netflix membership at $8 per month. It is instant through our Wii game and has great shows you can also tailor to suit you and your family.

* Clean your own house! Having a maid is a luxury, especially now. I just do it myself and save the hundred dollars per visit.

* Buy your children's uniforms at garage sales and on eBay. I buy them in large quantities for a steal!

* Go to to check current prices on books, CDs, DVD;s and electronics. It will peruse the internet to find you the absolute best deal!

* Buy an older, fuel efficient car. If you can, pay for it all and don't finance it. I used to be a BMW girl. Not anymore! I love them, believe me! However, I love not having a car payment even better! Plus, I get great gas, low auto insurance and low maintenance costs!

* Watch your electric usage. Turn off lights, computers, TV's, etc. I also set the A/C to a higher temp, and the heat on a lower temp. Therefore, they don't come on as often. I save hundreds on my electric!

* Get regular oil changes, keep the tires inflated properly, and change your sparkplugs and filters as needed. Just some very inexpensive maintenance can save you hundreds in the long run!

* Check sites like retailmenot before you pay full price on items purchased online. From clothing to household items, etc., this site and other similar sites will give you promo codes to save on shipping, and the total cost.

* Use drugstore cosmetics. So many of them are made by the same exact manufacturers as the department store brands! The same with diapers!

* Buy larger portions and freeze them. I freeze things like milk, cheese, bread, vegetables, etc. Also, buy the "manager's special" on ground beef and meats in bulk. Get them home and package them into single serving portions and freeze them.

* ALWAYS check for the generic brand of drugs!!! Walmart has soooo many for just $4. Publix gives you antibiotics for free also. Krogers the same!

* Keep a drawer that is just for year-end tax items. Put all reciepts for healthcare, dental, home repair, childcare, mileage, charitable contributions, etc. into it. Make sure to deduct all that you are entitled to at the end of the year!

* Do your own lawncare! I didn't know a thing about lawns before I purchased my home. I quickly learned, and now boast one of the nicest lawns in my neighborhood. I fertilize regularly, and keep up with weeds and proper maintenance. I save hundreds per year doing this also!

Well, that is all for now! There is so much more, but this is a start! I am sure you can think of more ways to stretch a dollar. You may want to keep a journal for a month and log your spending. You would be so surprised to see the way you spend money! Happy New Year!!