Well, I have finally created a new site called Kathy's Closet www.kathyscloset.biz
Most of you know that I have been selling on eBay for 11 years. My items have mainly been clothing, shoes, handbags and jewelry. It is something that I enjoy selling and I always try to find very unique items. Of course they are sold for great prices too, which has helped me to create a bit of a following with loyal customers.
Times are difficult for so many people. It is not luck (as some may think) that keeps me afloat. I can honestly say it is the art of resilience and the discipline to always work hard to stay ahead. I truly believe that most people can achieve great results, if they only dedicate themselves to hard work, smart work, and charity to others of course. For me, it is also the little face that looks up at me daily and reminds me of my responsibilities and for that, I am truly grateful.
So, I have my new site now and have packed it full of great bargains. I plan to keep doing so, as I love new adventures! I challenge each of you to really think about your passions and what you enjoy doing. What are you talented at? What can you do from home in your spare time? But especially, what would you regret not having done when you do look back at your life?? Hmmmmmmmn.................