I was a new mom at age 40! Needless to say, I knew nothing about having a baby. And...my own mother had passed away when I was young, so, it left me with very little history to follow. Unlike many women, I spent much of my 9 months of pregnancy being absolutely terrified! I wish I could have just enjoyed it and savored every minute, but I honestly feared the unknown so much that it consumed me with fear and doubt. I feared that I would not know what to do, and would fail at being a mother. Thankfully, 7 years later, I can honestly say I am a great mom :-)! And others would say the same. So...I thought it would be helpful to create this list of items that truly helped me in my transformation from "carefree single gal-hood", to "new-mom extraordinaire"! Hope it helps a lot of you new moms as well!
* Always carry a change of clothes for your baby, and for you too! You will have more spit-up and "other" things on you than you ever imagined! I carried onesies (these are baby clothes that are one piece and snap at bottom of crotch area) like crazy and always had at least a second shirt for me. You will need it!
* Get a car organizer that can attach to the backseat, and preferably one that has a section for cold items. You will really appreciate having this on warm days, and you will constantly need to keep it packed with baby wipes, wash cloths, snacks, juice, tissue paper, empty grocery bags (to put dirty diapers and other garbage into), water bottle to wet wash cloth with, extra onesies too, etc!
* If you are breast feeding, invest in a nursing scarf or shawl. These are an absolute must so that you can freely feed your baby in any public place without "offending" some folks. And believe me, some will be offended!
* A baby nasal aspirator was something I am so glad I had. My son would occasionally get such a runny nose that it would make him choke. I had to use this several times to help clear his nasal passages.
* An "All in one diaper pad and changing kit" was my best friend! This handy device carried all that I needed and folded neatly back together. I could fit it easily into my diaper bag, or, my favorite designer bags too :-)! It looked great and was sooooooo convenient!
* A boppy pillow was so handy! My son slept comfortably in it when he was a newborn, and, it certainly helped when I was nursing/feeding him.
* As a runner, I wanted to include my newborn son on my runs. I found an absolutely great product that was a body positioner, and truly helped keep him snug in the stroller. It also worked in his carseat.
* An umbrella stroller is vital! Beside your regular stroller, you will want to have one to bring with you on trips and quick outings. It is lightweight and very portable. And, if you are tall like me (or want your husband to be able to use it) look for ones that are made for taller folks!
* My son's absolute favorite toy was the Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Puppy! It teaches them words, and body parts and does so in the cutest songs ever! I have even kept this toy in our memory chest so he will have it to give to his kids someday!
* A portable swing was my best friend! My girlfriend gave me hers and I was never happier to have such a great tool to soothe my baby when at parks or other outings. Especially as a single mom, I would have to shower and do other things where he would sit alone. I would put this in the bathroom with me so he could be nearby. It is awesome!!!
* Always carry plenty of interactive books with you! Especially the ones with lots of colors and textures that they can touch. If you can find ones that have parts that flip open, that is even better. Babies LOVE to be stimulated!
* You will always want to have plenty of spit up blankets or burp cloths! Believe me...babies spit up a lot!! I used to carry one over my shoulder constantly when I held him because sure enough, he spit up constantly!
* Swaddling blankets are so helpful! Babies love to be swaddled tightly as it just helps soothe them. There is a way to wrap them that is almost like a tortilla (I know it sounds funny but it would help so much when my son was crying).
* Always buy your baby clothing in larger sizes! You will be amazed at how quickly they grow!! Better to have clothing a little to big, than to have it too tight!!
* It goes without saying that you will ALWAYS want to have more diapers with you than you think you will need!! They need to have diaper dispensers in bathrooms like they sell tampons :-)!! No joke! You will go through them amazingly fast! Keep in mind too, that the big diaper makers like Pampers, Huggies and Luvs, also make a lot of the lower price store brands like the Walmart, Food Lion, Walgreens, etc brands! You will want to try some of these as you will be pleasantly surprised at how well they work!
* Some type of soothing sounds and light-up toy attachment for sleep time is a must! This is one by Fischer Price and there are a lot of others out there too. It really helps your baby relax and lullabies them to sleep!
* Hands down, the BEST baby book out there is "What to expect the First Year"! I carried this book everywhere! It really helped me to know what to expect, and to be prepared! You will also want to have a medical book to carry with you!
* A Baby Gym is a great way to give them much needed tummy time and to help them explore their little world! Babies are fascinated with colors and patterns. There are many of these available, and try to find one that is very portable so that you can carry it with you everywhere!
* I can't say enough about the Baby Einstein DVD's! My son would sit forever and look at these! I even enjoyed them :-)!. The music is wonderful, but they also have so much eye-candy for them to watch. It will keep them amused for a very long time! As they get older, you will also want to have a portable DVD player to bring on car rides! This is a MUST!
* Have a rear-view mirror attachment so that you can always keep an eye on your baby. Once out of the infant seat, the motion of the car makes their heads bobble a lot :-). You would be wise to also have a neck ring to keep around their necks to assist with this. Oh, and a mirror for your baby to see themselves is another great investment!!
Well, I am sure that all of you could chime in about your favorite baby products. There really are so many, but, these were some of my must haves! Also, try and pair yourself with other moms for special playgroups, "movies for moms", and other activities. You will need a strong arsenal of other moms that understand what you face and can be by your side with support and advice when you need it the most!!