I can't believe this week is Thanksgiving! Another year is almost gone!
Don't know about you, but unfortunately, I don't have any holiday traditions that I can recall. Therefore, it's been especially important for me to create ones for my son. There is nothing that I want more for him than to look back on his life with fond memories, particularly of the holidays.
So, I can tell you that we already have our Christmas Tree up! I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but it sure feels wonderful to see the Christmas decor surrounding our house. My son helped me take things down from the attic (and at 5 years old, that was a feat alright!!!). Together we chose the places to place certain items through the house. He helped me take out the tree decorations and one by one, we placed them on the tree. We played the soundtrack to "Charlie Brown Christmas" and drank hot cocoa. We colored pictures to give to Santa, and picked out special photos for our Christmas Card this year. I wanted Christmas to last longer this year as it always passes so quickly.
After we had gathered our items for Christmas, together we gathered items to donate to a shelter for single mothers. It was so sweet to watch my son carefully inspect each toy to see which ones to donate. He was so generous too! I was completely in awe of the things that he chose to give. Together we loaded the car as full as we could get it, and drove the items to the shelter. I explained to him the importance of giving back, though he seemed to already know the value of it.
And so, I would encourage each of you to start traditions of your own. It can be anything. The most important thing is that you do them together.
Bless you all!