I have finally finished my giant coupon book, and my smaller carry along. I made both out of photo albums and it was actually fun...and easy too! For the bigger one, I found one that holds 3 photos on each side, and also has room to write something next to it. I then divided my sections up by categories like Dairy, Cereals (Adult/Child), drinks, frozen, health & beauty, etc. You get the picture. I then made a smaller book out a 4x6 photo album that can be carried with you. Now, I separate the coupons I am going to use into that smaller holder so it is ready for my shopping trip. I first look at the local sales circulars to see what is on sale that I use (doesn't make sense to buy things you are not going to use just because they are on sale...unless you donate them to a good cause of course). After previewing sales, I take out the coupons that match what I need now that is on sale, and put it into my smaller holder. That is what I'll carry with me, but I always leave the bigger one in the car just in case there are coupons I end up needing.
Gotta love Publix and Harris Teeter. They are sooooo great with coupons. They will also both take the Piggly Wiggly $5.00 off of a $30.00 purchase coupons! Harris Teeters will double and sometimes even triple your coupons. You may not have much time to do this, however, if you look at it like money in your hands, you'll hate to pass up the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars continually!
Oh, on a final note, please be honest folks! I know a gal (not mentioning any names), who told me she shops at the Commissary and uses any coupons she has on hand, even if she knows she's not buying that item. She tells me they don't check your items so they just scan the coupons and take them. Another gal I know, repeatedly makes copies of one time only use coupons and even takes a stack of newspapers out of the machine on Sunday Morning, though she only pays for one. C'mon folks!! Don't know about you, but in my book that sounds pretty equal to stealing now doesn't it? Not nice. That kind of stuff is bad any way you look at it. Let's hope their kids aren't around to see them do it either. Hate to think of the example that creates for them. And really, dishonesty just comes back to you anyway in some form or another. OK, I'll get off that subject now.
You are going to save money and it's not hard to do at all. Hardest part is just getting started in the coupon and savings world. Once your there...you'll never want to go back!!