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Sharing what I've learned that makes "Cents"

Life is challenging as we all know. These days, it's harder than ever to make ends meet and to let go of stress. So, I find good ways to stretch a dollar, as well as, enjoy life! I find daily ways to live happier and to thrive in a world that can often be challenging. Its always been very important to me that I help others along the way. After all, isn't that what life is about?

Keeping tabs on ways to afford the things that you need, and have a little left for those things you simply "want", is my mission. At the same time, I still leave room for spending quality time with the people and things I love, plus spreading joy when possible.

Hope I can help you in some way, as many others have done for me! Remember...try to always "pay it forward"!

Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Peanut Butter Kisses

I had my son late in life. I am sure that God knew what He was doing! Prior to that time, I would have just been too selfish and too concerned about the little things. Who knew that a little hand could teach you so much!

While I was pregnant, a co-worker told me to be prepared for everything being spilled on me and "relieved" on me. Part of me laughed, and the other part was in horror! How could this fashionable woman ever allow that to happen? Me, of all people! I set forth to prove her wrong...but was I ever wrong!

There have been so many times in the short 6 years of my son's life where he certainly has fulfilled all...and more of what my co-worker predicted. I learned to always bring an extra change of clothes, for both him and me. I stopped fussing so much about being so utterly "put together" and started worrying more about that little hand who held mine so tightly. The same hands that would come running so happily toward me with big peanut butter kisses, which always left a trail on my clothing. There have been many times that I have simply had to laugh at the time and forethought that I put into getting dressed, only to have to change into something else quickly and haphazardly.

I remember reading the last letter of Erma Bombeck, and how it made a huge impact on me and still does. She was one of the funniest women and so full of life! Her book, "If life is a Bowl of Cherries, What am I doing in the Pits" was so funny and so true. Her last writing was titled, "If I Had My Life to Live Over". It is so terribly sad to read, and yet, so true and profound. One of the many things that she says is that "I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains".

I remember reading this and thinking, how horrible that such a funny lady who seemed to live life so fully, had all of these regrets. I made a promise to myself that I would do the very best I could never to feel that way. Yet, I find I still take things too seriously, and lose my patience when I probably shouldn't. I worry about the little things, and forget to look at the big picture. Yes, I too am a victim of "The Human Condition".

All that you and me can ever do is to keep trying. Practice gratitude daily, stop and smell the roses. Remember that tomorrow is another day to work harder toward that goal. It is the life I am also creating for my son, as these are the memories I want him to have of his childhood with me. I am a work in progress, as we all are :-).

Peace and Grace to you.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gratitude in the worst of times....

So, this week was a tough week. I am not immune from the "human condition" and the daily trials that challenge us. I know there are so many others that are experiencing all kinds of challenges. There were some big financial setbacks and some work issues for me. Ironic to think that I had just overcome some financial issues, paid off some debt, and was feeling ahead of the game :-)! My friend, who has unfortunately passed on, used to tell me that once we are out of one crisis, another is waiting to come our way. Agh!! Not a good thought, but unfortunately, often true.

I have learned to always try and see something positive out of every negative. It may sound a bit "Pollyanna" (and if you don't know that term, you must be quite a bit younger than me :-))! I know that if I can turn things around, it just makes my life so much more easier. I guess it may even be a bit selfish, as I don't do it so much for the sake of others, I do it for the sake of myself. I do see however, that in the long run it is for others as my interactions with them...especially my son, are so much better. I don't end up taking out my frustrations on friends and family.

This morning as I was asking God to show me a sign that would give me more peace, I did get what I prayed for. I happened to be calling on a Doctor's office as that is my profession. This particular doctor was an Oncologist so they deal with cancer patients. As I was leaving the office, there was a very frail woman walking in front of me. She was so thin and carrying lots of bags that I would have gladly helped her with. I watched as she walked to make sure she made it to her car OK. I could not help thinking to myself, "My God, look at that poor woman. She is so thin and probably battling the fight of her life with cancer. And here I am, healthy, with a healthy and beautiful child, worrying about things that will take care of themselves"! I instantly felt ashamed of myself for even worrying when I know God is truly in control and always has been. That poor woman may never get better and would probably be so grateful to have to deal with the things that I think are so terrible.

It's a daily lesson that we all deal with. It's often hard to see outside of our own circumstances but I challenge you to do so. Volunteer to help those less fortunate and help someone whenever you can. Life is short, and in the end what truly matters is the love we give, not the trivial daily "stuff" that steals our joy. Be blessed!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Practice Gratitude

I am reminded daily of the hardships that many are going through. It seems that the current economy and job market lend themselves well to creating fear and stress. It is particularly difficult when a close friend calls me practically in tears, to tell me something unfortunate. You can't help but be moved to want to help in some way. If there is anything that life has taught me...and taught me well, it is that you can't always change things for the better. In fact, some things are just meant to stay the same regardless of how bad they might be. So, given all of that, I have also learned that there is a practice that helps and it is called gratitude. Yes, I know that it may sound simple and even trite, but it truly does help. I've kept a gratitude journal for many years. It has been such a helpful tool to ease my mind and help me stay focused on what is really important. Even if you struggle to find anything to be grateful for, I bet you could find more than you think if you just give it a try. Start with simple things like: having a great cup of coffee (if you like coffee :)), the new flower that's blooming on your plant outside, the little bird that came to sing you a song by the window, etc. You get the picture. If you have children and practice prayer with them, then you know what I mean. Children are so pure and simple in their prayers. They say thank you for so many little things. The very same things that we never even think about. Write these things down daily either in the morning, or at night like I do. Nights seem to be better as there is often more time to reflect. You will be amazed how your spirit is lifted and your attitude changes. Even if the world starts to "fall down around you", you'll soon see your tolerance level rise where the little things just don't get you down anymore. You will be better equipped to look at the "glass half full" even in the toughest of times. Give it a try :-). You may even surprise yourself!!