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Sharing what I've learned that makes "Cents"

Life is challenging as we all know. These days, it's harder than ever to make ends meet and to let go of stress. So, I find good ways to stretch a dollar, as well as, enjoy life! I find daily ways to live happier and to thrive in a world that can often be challenging. Its always been very important to me that I help others along the way. After all, isn't that what life is about?

Keeping tabs on ways to afford the things that you need, and have a little left for those things you simply "want", is my mission. At the same time, I still leave room for spending quality time with the people and things I love, plus spreading joy when possible.

Hope I can help you in some way, as many others have done for me! Remember...try to always "pay it forward"!

Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Little Things

Years ago, a friend shared something that was sad to hear. She spoke of her previous marriage, and of the things that used to annoy her so much about her husband. One of those things was, "He never put the dishes back in the cabinets right"! She was quiet for a moment, then tears welled up in her eyes. She then said, "I would give anything now to open the cabinets and see the dishes misplaced"! 

I am sure that many of us can understand this, and have had our own "little things" that annoyed us so much...but that we would long to have again now! When my son was little, I often stepped on either a small toy or a Lego (while barefoot of course). Needless to say, it hurt and I was annoyed! Now that he is almost 18, and not that cute little crazy-haired boy anymore, I too find myself longing for those days of strewn toys across the floor! Someday soon, he won't be living at home anymore, and I will long for those days even more!

It is difficult in "the heat of the moment" to pause and think about what really matters. But, if you can, you will definitely look at things differently! There is such truth in the quote, "Pick your battles wisely". Some of those little annoyances, don't really need to be brought up. It has taken me years to learn this, but thankfully I have...and it has made all the difference!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Embrace Rejection

As human beings it is often difficult to go through life without ever experiencing rejection. It could in the form of a romantic interest, a desired job, a piece of work you submitted, etc. Most of us can look back on our childhoods and even though we may have forgotten certain aspects, I bet we can remember those times we were rejected.

I still remember when I auditioned for a traveling choral group in High School. Singing has always been a passion of mine, thus, I take it very personally. I'd practiced for weeks to prepare for the big day and when it came, I delivered my song well. Leaving that audition, I just knew I'd be part of the group and that a phone call was soon to come announcing my acceptance! Well, the phone call did come, however, it wasn't to tell me I had been accepted. On the contrary, it was to inform me that I had not been accepted. Needless to say, I was crushed. In fact, I was more than crushed. All of a sudden I felt that I was the worst singer in the world and I vowed to never sing again!

Looking back on this memory is painful even now. On a positive note, I did go on to sing again. In fact, I have been singing professionally for years and am considered to be a highly accomplished vocalist. I have to tell you that I did eventually find out why I didn't make the choral group. It actually had nothing to do with my singing, but had everything to do with my grades. In order to be part of that prestigious group, you also had to maintain a high grade point average, which I did not have. It wasn't that I couldn't achieve it, but I guess at that time of my life, I didn't see the benefit of studying and trying to maintain good grades. I felt like I could just coast through school and get by. It was a common perception that I had for a good part of my younger life, but thankfully I have since learned the value of hard work.

You may have been rejected by a love interest, a job, a group you wanted to join, etc. As a Writer, I occasionally have my writing submissions returned with edits needed. My first reaction always seems to be disappointment or even frustration. But when I really look at the situation I actually become grateful for the chance to learn from my mistakes. There have been many jobs in my lifetime that I did not get. Yet, I look back and realize that in the long run they would not have suited me at all. Same goes for relationships I have had.

So, the next time you experience rejection, try to turn it around. Yes, at first you can allow yourself time to grieve, but when the grieving is over, it's time to rejoice. Most importantly, don't ever give up on your dreams or your hopes. In time you can look back and possibly smile at what you've accomplished and where you have landed...which is right back on your feet!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Practice Gratitude

I am reminded daily of the hardships that many are going through. It seems that the current economy and job market lend themselves well to creating fear and stress. It is particularly difficult when a close friend calls me practically in tears, to tell me something unfortunate. You can't help but be moved to want to help in some way. If there is anything that life has taught me...and taught me well, it is that you can't always change things for the better. In fact, some things are just meant to stay the same regardless of how bad they might be. So, given all of that, I have also learned that there is a practice that helps and it is called gratitude. Yes, I know that it may sound simple and even trite, but it truly does help. I've kept a gratitude journal for many years. It has been such a helpful tool to ease my mind and help me stay focused on what is really important. Even if you struggle to find anything to be grateful for, I bet you could find more than you think if you just give it a try. Start with simple things like: having a great cup of coffee (if you like coffee :)), the new flower that's blooming on your plant outside, the little bird that came to sing you a song by the window, etc. You get the picture. If you have children and practice prayer with them, then you know what I mean. Children are so pure and simple in their prayers. They say thank you for so many little things. The very same things that we never even think about. Write these things down daily either in the morning, or at night like I do. Nights seem to be better as there is often more time to reflect. You will be amazed how your spirit is lifted and your attitude changes. Even if the world starts to "fall down around you", you'll soon see your tolerance level rise where the little things just don't get you down anymore. You will be better equipped to look at the "glass half full" even in the toughest of times. Give it a try :-). You may even surprise yourself!!