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Sharing what I've learned that makes "Cents"

Life is challenging as we all know. These days, it's harder than ever to make ends meet and to let go of stress. So, I find good ways to stretch a dollar, as well as, enjoy life! I find daily ways to live happier and to thrive in a world that can often be challenging. Its always been very important to me that I help others along the way. After all, isn't that what life is about?

Keeping tabs on ways to afford the things that you need, and have a little left for those things you simply "want", is my mission. At the same time, I still leave room for spending quality time with the people and things I love, plus spreading joy when possible.

Hope I can help you in some way, as many others have done for me! Remember...try to always "pay it forward"!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday Traditions

I can't believe this week is Thanksgiving! Another year is almost gone!

Don't know about you, but unfortunately, I don't have any holiday traditions that I can recall. Therefore, it's been especially important for me to create ones for my son. There is nothing that I want more for him than to look back on his life with fond memories, particularly of the holidays.

So, I can tell you that we already have our Christmas Tree up! I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but it sure feels wonderful to see the Christmas decor surrounding our house. My son helped me take things down from the attic (and at 5 years old, that was a feat alright!!!). Together we chose the places to place certain items through the house. He helped me take out the tree decorations and one by one, we placed them on the tree. We played the soundtrack to "Charlie Brown Christmas" and drank hot cocoa. We colored pictures to give to Santa, and picked out special photos for our Christmas Card this year. I wanted Christmas to last longer this year as it always passes so quickly.

After we had gathered our items for Christmas, together we gathered items to donate to a shelter for single mothers. It was so sweet to watch my son carefully inspect each toy to see which ones to donate. He was so generous too! I was completely in awe of the things that he chose to give. Together we loaded the car as full as we could get it, and drove the items to the shelter. I explained to him the importance of giving back, though he seemed to already know the value of it.

And so, I would encourage each of you to start traditions of your own. It can be anything. The most important thing is that you do them together.

Bless you all!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selling on eBay

Today started with a call from a dear friend back home in South Florida (yes, I still call it my home). She started by telling me the most wonderful news which was about her youngest son. She's been through the toughest times with him as he was diagnosed early in life with autism. Thankfully it wasn't severe. As any mother would do, she researched it thoroughly and searched for ways to treat it. Her son is now in Kindergarten in a public school and thriving! Just hearing that brought me to tears...but of sheer happiness. The sad part was that she was on her way to file bankruptcy. Her medical bills which had been funded through credit cards, was extreme. So extreme that she couldn't pay it anymore. She told me this apologetically and with embarrassment. I told her she need not be embarrassed. True love will cause you to sacrifice anything you can just to help. Lord knows, I'd of done the same.

It got me to thinking about all of the people in my life who have lost a job, a house, or something else. It's tough right now and who knows how long it will last? I've learned since age 16 when I was out on my own, that if I couldn't pay my bills, I'd be out on the street. Believe me, you learn quickly just how to make money if you need to. I'd be working 5 jobs sometimes just to make ends meet. For whatever reason, I always wanted to live comfortably, but more than that, I guess I never wanted to fail.

11 years ago I started selling things on eBay. It wasn't as well known at the time since it was fairly new. My first item was a silver bracelet by a well known designer that had been a gift. I knew I'd never wear it, so I figured I may as well try and sell it. So, I took the eBay tutorial on their site, and listed my first item. I started bidding at 99 cents. It listed for the average auction time of 7 days and ended up selling for $150.00! Well, I was thrilled. It was easy money, and it really didn't take much time or effort to achieve. I've since sold about 700 items on eBay which range from clothing, shoes, jewelry, small technical items, etc. I've tried to stick to things that can ship easily and that I know well. I also buy things on eBay (even a car) and have developed a knack for winning the items I want at rock-bottom prices. This is something I teach to my students when I hold an eBay class. I mainly find things to sell at garage sales and thrift stores, or even discount stores like Marshalls and TJ Maxx. I look for items in excellent condition that will sell well. I have a paypal account ( and ship them from home too. It's worth investing in a weight scale to be able to do so.

My point in all of this is to tell you that anyone can do it. It takes a little time to list your first item and understand what you are doing. However, you can then keep your auction template and use it to keep re-selling items easily. You can do it from home, in your own spare time, with little investment. The sky is the limit as to what you may want to sell. If you know antiques and more valuable items, you could do very well! I'm sure there are things in your closets, garage, cabinets, bookshelves, etc., that you could sell right now.

It probably won't be a full-time job, yet, it can certainly create a financial cushion for you. Check it out . They have so many forums now to help you. Go directly to the site-map for easy navigation

Good luck to you and happy selling!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Embrace Rejection

As human beings it is often difficult to go through life without ever experiencing rejection. It could in the form of a romantic interest, a desired job, a piece of work you submitted, etc. Most of us can look back on our childhoods and even though we may have forgotten certain aspects, I bet we can remember those times we were rejected.

I still remember when I auditioned for a traveling choral group in High School. Singing has always been a passion of mine, thus, I take it very personally. I'd practiced for weeks to prepare for the big day and when it came, I delivered my song well. Leaving that audition, I just knew I'd be part of the group and that a phone call was soon to come announcing my acceptance! Well, the phone call did come, however, it wasn't to tell me I had been accepted. On the contrary, it was to inform me that I had not been accepted. Needless to say, I was crushed. In fact, I was more than crushed. All of a sudden I felt that I was the worst singer in the world and I vowed to never sing again!

Looking back on this memory is painful even now. On a positive note, I did go on to sing again. In fact, I have been singing professionally for years and am considered to be a highly accomplished vocalist. I have to tell you that I did eventually find out why I didn't make the choral group. It actually had nothing to do with my singing, but had everything to do with my grades. In order to be part of that prestigious group, you also had to maintain a high grade point average, which I did not have. It wasn't that I couldn't achieve it, but I guess at that time of my life, I didn't see the benefit of studying and trying to maintain good grades. I felt like I could just coast through school and get by. It was a common perception that I had for a good part of my younger life, but thankfully I have since learned the value of hard work.

You may have been rejected by a love interest, a job, a group you wanted to join, etc. As a Writer, I occasionally have my writing submissions returned with edits needed. My first reaction always seems to be disappointment or even frustration. But when I really look at the situation I actually become grateful for the chance to learn from my mistakes. There have been many jobs in my lifetime that I did not get. Yet, I look back and realize that in the long run they would not have suited me at all. Same goes for relationships I have had.

So, the next time you experience rejection, try to turn it around. Yes, at first you can allow yourself time to grieve, but when the grieving is over, it's time to rejoice. Most importantly, don't ever give up on your dreams or your hopes. In time you can look back and possibly smile at what you've accomplished and where you have landed...which is right back on your feet!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Practice Gratitude

I am reminded daily of the hardships that many are going through. It seems that the current economy and job market lend themselves well to creating fear and stress. It is particularly difficult when a close friend calls me practically in tears, to tell me something unfortunate. You can't help but be moved to want to help in some way. If there is anything that life has taught me...and taught me well, it is that you can't always change things for the better. In fact, some things are just meant to stay the same regardless of how bad they might be. So, given all of that, I have also learned that there is a practice that helps and it is called gratitude. Yes, I know that it may sound simple and even trite, but it truly does help. I've kept a gratitude journal for many years. It has been such a helpful tool to ease my mind and help me stay focused on what is really important. Even if you struggle to find anything to be grateful for, I bet you could find more than you think if you just give it a try. Start with simple things like: having a great cup of coffee (if you like coffee :)), the new flower that's blooming on your plant outside, the little bird that came to sing you a song by the window, etc. You get the picture. If you have children and practice prayer with them, then you know what I mean. Children are so pure and simple in their prayers. They say thank you for so many little things. The very same things that we never even think about. Write these things down daily either in the morning, or at night like I do. Nights seem to be better as there is often more time to reflect. You will be amazed how your spirit is lifted and your attitude changes. Even if the world starts to "fall down around you", you'll soon see your tolerance level rise where the little things just don't get you down anymore. You will be better equipped to look at the "glass half full" even in the toughest of times. Give it a try :-). You may even surprise yourself!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Giving up the news

Years ago I had a friend who boldly stated he did not listen to the news. Of course at the time I thought that was odd...and maybe he was odd too (I know me bad). However, I have since learned what a gem of an idea that is. So, I adopted it in my own life 3 1/2 years ago as my New Years Resolution. Rather than try a new diet to lose weight like many people do, I decided to try a new way of life to lose stress. How is it working? Fabulously! I love the fact that my mind is not cluttered by all of the evil that goes on in the world. Believe me, I know evil exists all too well and I don't need to be reminded of it daily. Especially after having become a Mom, I could not take listening to one more story about a child being hurt, or God forbid, killed! You Mothers out there know what I mean. You worry enough about your children without all of the reminders of just how evil people can be. So, I listen to positive programming on my TV and on my radio. I set my alarm to wake up to uplifting or soothing music. If I am driving along and the radio station cuts into the news, guess what, I just switch channels! Think what you will, but I can attest to the fact that this had helped me so much. You should try it sometime. You won't be missing much either. Instead, maybe you will adopt more hope in the world and the people you are surrounded by daily. I know I have (and still keeping a watchful eye of course :-)). Follow your instincts on things. You'll be grateful so many times over!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Simple ways to declutter...and defrazzle your life!

For whatever reason, organization is a priority in my life. Maybe it comes from having lived in a 450 sq foot condo for 18 years where I barely had room to change my mind! I even kept clothes in the oven (tells you how much I cook :-))! So, I learned simple ways to stay organized and on top of the things that were of importance. Not hard really, in fact, anyone can do these things. It may just take a few people some time to get "into" it. I have even had friends ask me to come and organize their houses for them. I actually enjoy it (weird I know)! So, here are just a few things I do to stay de-cluttered and de-frazzled:

Organize my jewelry within ice cube trays. They work great for keeping things together.

Use a cloth over door shoe hanger to keep hair items in inside my bathroom. These over door hangers that you can get so cheaply at TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc, work great to organize other things like socks, winter scarves/gloves, toys, etc.

Use an office drawer organizer for my "kitchen junk" drawer.

Keep my clothes, and my sons clothes all color coordinated in the closet. This helps so much when you are in a hurry and trying to match things up. If you wanna get serious (like me), I also divide them by short sleeve, long sleeve, etc.

Buy plastic round jars with lids (walmart and the dollar store are great for these), and use them to store/divide up snacks. In the mornings when we are rushing, it saves so much time to find things for lunches.

Keep a special drawer in a cabinet just for this years receipts. I find this works well when I do my taxes as it is all right there and I don't have to hunt for hours.

Organize each belt into a tight round circle, band them with a thick rubber band, then store each one in it's own clear sandwich bag. Put them all into a clear plastic storage container. I do the same thing with bathing suits.

Use a notebook style CD and DVD Holder. I have ones that hold 96, or 220 of them. I store them in these and throw away the plastic cases as those are just space wasters. Plus, this makes it so much easier to find. I even divide them by genre.

Use office desk organizers for make-up and divide them up into lipsticks, eye shadows, blushes, foundations, etc. You will love being able to find your make up in a jiffy. And, please get rid of items you haven't used for a while!

Also, take a few large trash bags. Label one for donations, one for trash, and one maybe to consign or sell on eBay. Then, meticulously go through your closet and start getting rid of space wasters! You will be amazed at how much extra stuff you find that can be donated or sold. If you haven't worn it for over a year...get rid of it! There is usually someone else that will be grateful to have it.

So, those are a just a few things to get you started. I will add more later. Have fun!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Free (or inexpensive) ways to have fun with your kids!!

I love to have fun! I think there is a big part of me that is truly still a kid. And even if you think you are too old to partake in some of these fun ideas, well, you may just surprise yourself...and your kids too! And, they will love and appreciate you all the more for it guaranteed! So, here are some great ideas of things that we do to have fun on a small (or no) budget!...

Volunteer together (I bring him to the Nursing Home I work in and they adore this)!,
Light sparklers and run around the yard (like crazy people). I know my neighbors just love this hee hee!!,
Read books,
Do arts & crafts,
Pray together! My son loves to pray & it is adorable to listen to what he says...oh, if we could all be so innocent and free :-)!
Play boardgames or make up fun games,
Have a picnic!
Dress up in funny or unique costumes,
Attend the Lowes or Home Depot free "Build & Grow" Workshops on Saturdays,
Go to a Park,
Bike together,
Swim Together,
Plant a garden (my son loves watching our little plants grow)!,
Set up camp…indoors. He loves this too!! We put up a tent and pretend we are in the deep woods!
Watch a DVD, make popcorn, have a movie review afterwards,
Bake together,
Go to the library,
Paint T-shirts,
“What animal am I?” guessing game. This will bring "the kid" out in anyone!,
Fly a kite,
Gather items to donate to charity. My son feels so good about being able to help out others in need. It's also a great way to get rid of way too many unused toys!,
Roast marshmallows (we do it in our Chiminea) :-)!,
Dance together. The dog often joins us. We laugh hysterically!,
Have a foam dartgun fight or watergun fight. Mommy is good at this!! Ha Ha!!
Take pictures. My son has his own Fisher Price Camera and enjoys this so much!,
Blow bubbles,
Have an American Idol Contest!,
Tickle or pillow fights…or both!

More than anything, enjoy yourselves. Life is simply too short to be too serious!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

World's Best Websites! Or at least my favorite ones anyway! :-)

There are so many ways to save money. I guess I am always looking for the easiest way to do so of course. It helps to have websites available that make it so much easier. Plus, there are just websites I frequent for other information like medical info, consumer reviews on products, and the latest and best rates on financial concerns, etc. So, to make it easy for you too, I have compiled a list of my favorite ones. Here they are, and hope you can find some (or all) of them that are beneficial to you too! Have fun!

World’s best websites:

Coupons and savings for finding best price on books, movies, CD’s for finding good internet coupons for grocery coupons for grocery coupons for grocery and retail coupons for grocery, retail, magazine, and all kinds of great coupons! for grocery coupons for retail coupons

Free Stuff for free samples and you don’t need to be a teen either! for free items to get free local things people are getting rid of

Automotive for great deals on car tires shipped to your door tire deals too. Just have your local tire shop mount them and save tons!

Pets for great deal on pet meds. Just get a prescription from your vet and fax it in! Save hundreds per year!

Financial for checking best current rates on loans, credit cards, etc., plus lots of money saving tips! to create a Will, Power of Attorney, Living Will, etc. I emphasize the need for this to everyone! Please don’t wait till the last minute to plan for your future and that of your family. Plus, this is a very affordable option.

Medical for excellent medical info another excellent source of medical info

Jobs Pulls local sources of available jobs based on advanced search techniques

For Selling and Buying free advertising classifieds free advertising classifieds free classifieds free local and national advertising. I buy a lot on here too. I also re-sell a lot!

inexpensive way to print photos, photo greeting cards, photo gifts, save videos, share slideshows, etc. online encyclopedia for creating free website. Lots of great templates and very user friendly! excellent relocation tool that finds the best place to live based on your desires (I can dream!) fantastic way to get answers from members on just about anything! for consumer reviews on most anything to create a free blog (like this one)!

Happy Web Surfing!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Some ways I save money...

So, people always ask me how I am able to save money and stretch a dollar so far? These days especially, that is a hot topic! Well, since I have been on my own since age 16, and had to learn the hard way, it's become a lifestyle for me. In fact, I don't even buy anything anymore unless it's on sale, or I can get a discount, or I have a coupon, etc. (you get the picture)! But, as far as things I do around the house on a daily basis to save money, and with my son? Well, here are a few things, and I'll be posting the best (most helpful) websites later:

Cut my hair and cut his hair
Color my hair (used to use Nice & Easy, but just switched to Loreal Excellence-works better and longer)!
Do my own manicures, and pedicures (including French)
Cut and maintain my own lawn and gardening, fertilizing, weeding, edging, etc.
Buy quite a bit at the Dollar Store (you would be surprised at the deals)!
Run my errands together to save gas
Keep my tires inflated well and the oil changed regularly
Buy prescriptions at WalMart for the $4 generic version and get antibiotics for free at Publix
Consistently look at the end tabs at places like Target, Walgreens, etc. There are some really great deals. Even grocery stores usually have a section of markdowns.
Do my own taxes (save you receipts in one place to make it easier at year-end)
Do my own small home repairs
Work-out at home with equipment, DVD's, and some learned techniques
Regularly review my home/auto insurance for the most competitive rate
Built my own website and maintain it
Check my favorite manufacturers website for promotions and deals and also become a member (when they keep your info private) to regularly get coupons mailed to you
Keep the air/heat at the bare minimums and use ceiling fans also
Use heat control curtains and close them when I am gone (I also recently had my windows tinted with solar film that blocks up to 65% of sun)
Change my home A/C filters regularly
Groom my own dog
Buy my dog's meds online (heart worm, flea/tick, etc). Saves tons of money!
Decorate, clean, and maintain my entire house
Pressure wash (small areas only) when needed
Use drink mixes and never buy sodas
Use my cellphone and not a land-line
Stockpile grocery/household items when they are 50% & use coupons too
Regularly go to garage sales to find items to re-sell (baby and kid items are always a hot ticket)!
Turn the water off in the shower when not needed during aspects of showering
Only eat out at places that offer BOGO deals or kids eat free deals
Go to the movies only before 5pm, and not too often
Buy the Sunday Paper from the biggest city near me (better coupons) and add to my coupon stash or give them away to friends in need
Turn off lights when not in use, and try to use artificial light sparingly
etc, etc, etc....

So, you may think some of those things are extreme, or time consuming, or not worth it. However, they become very worth it when you tally up how much you save each month, and can use that money for other needed things, and even a vacation fund! You would be amazed at how much you can teach yourself to do, if you only try!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Paying it forward and planting a garden...

Just went through my son's clothes again. He grows so fast it's hard to keep up with him anymore! Though I do sell some of his things on eBay and at the Kids Consignment, I mainly give his things to others in need. There are so many hurting families these days especially. In fact, I just spoke to a friend today and found out they lost their home. It's heartbreaking. They have a little boy themselves, so, that is where a "care package" went today full of my son's things. She was grateful, and I was happy to do it. It's all part of "paying it forward" folks. It's the right thing to do, and the bonus is that it makes you feel good! Since I am a garage sale Queen, I often pick up things for others when I see them. I am tickled when I see their kids using what I have passed onto them.

On another note, today I seriously started working on a vegetable garden. I preface this with the hope that the deer will not come to kill it, or whatever land digging monster I have that continually turns up my shrubs and lawn!! I purchased a short fence which should help...I hope. I have several vegetables that I am planting. My goal is to eventually have enough that I can just go to my garden when I want fresh vegetables. So much cheaper, healthier, and convenient. Plus, what a wonderful thing to do with my son. He has his own little watering bottle and loves to help me. It's the simple things that bring the most joy, and this is one of them. Why don't you try one too? Even if it is just in a window box in an apartment! Enjoy!